Adolph Bremer Scholarship
Adolph Bremer joined the Winona State University faculty in 1956 and later created the University’s first journalism course. Adolph Bremer brought his experience as editor of the Winona Daily News to the classroom and gave students a real-life feel for the work of journalism. Adolph was tireless in helping students improve their work to appear in campus and off-campus media, and students respected and loved him in return. Adolph Bremer retired in 1992 after 36 years as an adjunct professor. On the occasion of Adolph Bremer’s death in 1997, the original scholarship was established for a senior in mass communication who has exhibited excellence in journalism for the CyberIndee. This revision encourages and supports students seeking a degree in Journalism. This seems an especially fitting memorial to Adolph Bremer’s commitment as a journalist and as a journalism educator.
Scholarship contacts are Peter & Siobhan Bremer, and John Vivian.