Beth & Conway Elton Scholarship
Beth & Conway Elton value learning; they care deeply about students and about the availability of education to all men and women.
Conway Elton graduated from Harmony MN high school received his Bachelor’s degree from Luther College in Decorah Iowa. In 1961 he began his business career in Austin MN later moving to Winona where he was Senior Vice President of Home Federal Savings Bank. During his career, Conway served on the WSU Foundation board for over 25 years and has been a past officer for most of the positions on the WSU Board of Trustees.
Beth Elton graduated from Rushford high school and received her Bachelor of Education degree from Winona State College in 1971. Beth did her student teaching at Phelps laboratory school and is a past member and officer of the WSU Alumni Society.
During their long and distinguished careers, both Beth and Conway Elton found time to deal in antiques and golf in nearly every Winona State Golf classic. They continue to golf in Arizona where they reside in the winter. Through their commitment to Winona, they have challenged student perspectives and made a positive impact on the future of Minnesota, the region and our world. \\
Scholarship contact is Beth.