WSU Warrior Waddle Scholarship
Track and field athletics had their beginning at Princeton in an intramural meet on June 21, 1873 — the first collegiate track contest held in the United States. The meet was organized by George Goldie, Scottish-born director of the gymnasium from 1869 to 1911, and called the Caledonian Games because of his success as an all-round champion in games staged by American and Canadian Caledonian Clubs. The names of some of the events reflected their Caledonian origin — standing long jump, running high leap, hitch and kick, vaulting with the pole. The Caledonian Games survived until 1947; thereafter they gave way to the fuller intercollegiate schedule of modern times.
Today at Winona State University we have the honor of hosting Tom Slaggie & Kathy Hovell who organized the 1st Annual WSU Warrior Waddle. Through their generous support of the Warrior Waddle they will have direct impact upon students at WSU, helping the Track & Field team to perform & function to the best of their abilities, both on & off the field. Tom & Kathy have continued to make the team by graciously established this scholarship with the proceeds from the Warrior Waddle to honor Women at WSU who participate on the track & field team. WSU greatly appreciates their continued support & love of track.
Scholarship contacts are Tom Slaggie and Kathy Hovell.