Lavonne Fiereck Scholarship

In October 2016, the Lavonne Fiereck Scholarship was established with the Winona State University Foundation. The scholarship will support and encourage female athletes who are majoring in any field in the College of Education.

1. Each recipient must be an undergraduate student enrolled full-time and in good standing at Winona State University (minimum of 12 credits per semester, Fall and Spring.)
2. Each recipient must be majoring in a field in Education, including physical education.
3. Each recipient must be a female athlete, with a preference for volleyball or tennis athletes.
4. Each recipient must be a sophomore, junior, senior or 5th year student.
5. Each recipient must have a G.P.A of 3.0 or higher.

The criteria used in selecting a scholarship award recipient will be, in order of importance, the students:
Athletic status (female athlete)

Athletics Department