Elmer and Louise Mattila Scholarship in Math and Science
In May 2019, The Elmer & Louise Mattila Scholarship in Science & Math was established with the Winona State University Foundation. The scholarship will benefit and encourage students who are majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Geoscience, or Mathematics and Statistics.
1. Each recipient must be enrolled full-time and in good standing at Winona State University.
2. Each recipient must be majoring in one of the following academic disciplines in the College of Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Geoscience, or Mathematics and Statistics.
3. Each first-time recipient must be a student entering their Junior year at WSU.
4. The spirit of this award is to help an average student with a minimum GPA of 2.5 (4.0 = A)
5. Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated financial need with priority given to students who are working to help pay for college. Note: financial need shall not be based solely on FAFSA.
6. As part of the application process for this scholarship, the student must submit an essay describing the following:
- Describe your educational and professional goals, including life experiences which have offered insight or motivation which led you to choose your major and future
career. - Describe your financial need and how a scholarship will make a difference.
- Provide details regarding your current employment or history of employment.
- Describe any special circumstances that you would like the committee to know that has not already been asked.
Background and Motivation
Louise grew up in southern Minnesota. She received a bachelor of science degree from the University of Minnesota and taught high school science for 4 years. She returned to the U of M where she earned her master’s degree. Until retirement in 1992, Louise taught biology and chemistry at Minneapolis Community College. During retirement she was an AARP Tax Aide, Hospice volunteer, Master Gardener—-and learned to play harmonica! Now travel. reading, and photography are her major leisure time joys.
Elmer grew up on a farm in northern Minnesota. He earned degrees from Itasca Community College, Moorhead State College, Bemidji State College and Wesleyan University with emphasis in mathematics and physics. Later he studied computer science and for several years was the computer coordinator for the Minnesota Community Colleges. Elmer taught high school science and math for 3 years, and from 1968 to 1994, taught physics, math and computer science at Minneapolis Community College. After retirement he gave harmonica lessons and conducted harmonica groups. In recent years his interests and study include mysticism, energy medicine and photography.
- Award
- $1,000.00
- Department
- Biology Department, Chemistry Department, College of Science & Engineering, Computer Science Department, Geoscience Department, Mathematics & Statistics Department, Physics Department
- Deadline
- 02/15/2025
- Supplemental Questions
- Provide details regarding your current employment or history of employment.