Joseph J. Cieminski Family for the Gertrude Finch Scholarship

Joseph J. Cieminski Family for the Gertrude Finch Scholarship is created to give assistance to students who aspire to teach, have a passion for learning, desire to energize young minds, and seek to become a distinguished teacher.


Preference for each applicant must be a graduate from Winona Senior High School, Minneapolis North High School or Houston High School with a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0
Each applicant must be an undergraduate student enrolled full-time (i.e., minimum of twelve credits per semester) at Winona State University
Each applicant must be a declared Education Teaching major at Winona State University
Each applicant must have financial need as determined by FAFSA.


The Joseph Cieminski Family values learning; cares deeply about students and about the future of society. Don love of teaching has left a valuable legacy not only for the students whose lives he touched but for the generations that follow.
During his long and distinguished career, he touched the lives of thousands of students. Through his commitment to education, he changed student perspectives and made a positive impact on the future of Minnesota, the region and our world.
This Scholarship Fund will continue the legacy and the fine tradition of educational excellence that he began.

Joesph J. Cieminski Family for the Gertrude Finch Scholarship
College of Education, Education Department