Cynthia Nelson Scholarship

In December of 2017, the Cynthia R. Nelson Scholarship, in honor of Donald and Elaine Nelson was established with the Winona State University Foundation. The scholarship will benefit and encourage students who have a declared a major at Winona State University.


  1. Recipients must be and undergraduate student enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits.
  2. Recipients must have a declared major.

Background and Motivation
Cynthia grew up in a modest, blue collared family in Rochester, Minnesota. Her father had an eighth-grade education and her mother a high school education, yet they provided a strong education of values through their daily examples. Always helping those in need – family, friend, neighbor or stranger.

She grew up understanding that this is what a person does, sharing your blessings with others. Cyntiha was the first person in our family to attend college and knew it was a financial sacrifice on her family to attend Winona State.

Cynthia has both undergraduate and graduate degrees from Winona State University. Her parents paid for her undergraduate and her employer reimbursed her for the graduate degree. Having been a recipient of others funding my education, it is now her wish to be the provider to others in need relative to their education at Winona State University.

Cynthia Nelson Scholarship
Community Service Scholarships, Incoming Freshman Scholarships
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please submit an essay describing past and present accomplishments related to community service and your personal volunteer goals.